# Elections 2017 Elections for Sakura-Con directorship occurred on May 7, 2017 [1]. Volunteers who worked 2017 voted. Directorships elected: * Sakura-Con Chair * Christopher Louck * Sakura-Con Director of Relations * Alyxandria Lechner * Sakura-Con Director of Publicity * Elmira Utz * Sakura-Con Secretary * Ashley Motta * Erin Durdy **Elected** As you can see, no one ran against Chair, Director of Relations, or Director of Publicity. Elections have been a source of drama in the past years and make a considerable impact on the convention. Incumbents and their direct successors have been elected repeatedly to director positions. For example, Doc who was elected to Director of Programming was previously the Director of Operations. This may be due to lack of competition and high responsibility required for a position like director. Elections went smoothly this year. Comments and questions were simple and to the point. The lack of change of leadership is a continuing issue. <sup>1</sup> From the April 9, 2017 meeting notes: "The Elections luncheon and meeting will be on May 7th at the Sheraton. Details concerning absentee voting will be mailed out after the convention has concluded." <sup>2</sup> From the Elections Meeting e-mail by publicity: "If you cannot attend the Election meeting please submit your vote via our Absentee Voting Link:"