# General Convention Questions
Got a question about some aspect of the convention? Ask here!
To ask a question, edit the page, add a bullet to the list of Q&A.
To answer a question, edit the page, add a new subbullet under the question you're answering starting with A:
* Where is the best place to park for Friday and Saturday?
* A: Underneath the convention center if there is parking (take a right on Pine after the Convention Center).
* A: In a good residential neighborhood if you're arriving and leaving during public transit hours. Places along the light rail are a good choice, but if you live up north, there are plenty of parking spaces.
* A: If you're staying at a Hotel, you can park at the hotel. Hotels will usually charge $40 for Friday and Saturday parking, ask your hotel about their rate or if they recommend parking elsewhere.
* A: Most people park at the Convention Center. [Convention Center parking](http://www.wscc.com/parking-directions) is expensive ($28 per 24 hours) and doesn't let you out after midnight or before 5:30am. Luckily Sakuracon is a 24 hour con, so you can play some RockBand while you wait. **(Note: this advice is very out-of-date, check with the building)**
* I missed a meeting, where are the meeting notes?
* A: [New Archives](http://sakuracon.org/about-us/meetings/archives/)
* A: [Old Archives Google Drive Link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B67EsrReXKZRMnRwRDk1SEs0WEk)
* Where are the Form 990's for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016?
* A: [Sakura-Con 2012-2016 990](/990)
* How much does Sakura-Con cost each year?
* A: It costs around $1,000,000 each year.
* A: Expenses for 2016 were $1,192,134.
* Is SAS (Sakura-Con Attendee Services) responsible for the safety of attendees?
* A: Generally they can help and they are very valuable when there is trouble, but they are not security guards, police, or nurses. Would a SAS member like to explain this better?